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5 Easy Grab and Go Breakfast Ideas For The Whole Family

This is a partnered post.

Let's be honest: mornings aren't like they are on TV or in the movies. No one has time to make a full breakfast for the whole family, and even fewer people will appreciate their family ignoring their efforts and running out the door with a coffee in hand because they are running late.

If you want to savor a few extra minutes in bed in the morning without having to go to school or work on an empty stomach, then you need to find some easy grab-and-go breakfasts perfect for the whole family that will keep you satisfied till lunch and don't require you to get up hours before everyone else to whip up a delectable breakfast feat.

Read on for some easy foods you can prepare ahead of time and grab and go for breakfast.


Scones are the ideal alternative to a slice of toast in the morning. You can whip up a batch of delicious scones ahead of time, and then everyone can grab one of them and load it up with their favorite filling, be it butter, jam, peanut butter, or cream or even bacon

Plus, they're not just ideal for breakfast; they are perfect for after-school snacks, to take with you for extracurricular activities, or simply because you fancy one!

Overnight Oatmeal

If you've been on social media at all recently, you will have seen the growing trend of overnight oatmeal recipes that you can prep before bed and then grab and head out the door or eat in a hurry so you still get a filling, nutritious breakfast. The best thing about overnight oatmeal is that you can literally add anything you wish to them.

Simply mix the oatmeal with your milk of choice, and you can add anything from Greek yogurt, fruit, protein puddings, chocolate spread such as Nutella, or anything you enjoy to help you make it more exciting to eat. It takes minutes to prepare and can save you a ton of time in the morning.

Egg Muffins

Egg muffins are like regular muffins, but you guessed it, with eggs. There are many different egg muffin recipes out there for you to try, but essentially, you need to mix ingredients of your choice, such as cheese, onion, bacon, sausage, etc., into the egg mix, put the mixtures into muffin trays as you would cake muffins and cook through until golden and enjoy.

Plus, these beauties can be frozen or stored fresh in the fridge for up to seven days, meaning you can batch cook them for the week, and they're great for breakfast or quick protein snacks during the day.

Granola Bars

Granola bars can be tricky to make if you have never done it before, and you need to be careful you are using the right ingredients and following the instructions to get the right results. But once you have figured out how to perfect your recipe, then granola bars can be the perfect healthy morning treat for the bus ride to school or drive to work. Plus, like the egg muffins, you can mix up your ingredients for fruit, yogurt-topped bars, add in chocolate, or anything else you wish, and they can be stored for a few days; you don't need to eat them all once, but that's not to say you can't if you need to test drive them before dishing them up to the family.

Breakfast Crunchwrap

These have been doing the rounds with fitness influencers; the breakfast crunch wrap is similar to a breakfast muffin but in a wrap instead. And you can prepare them with your favorite breakfast foods, such as egg sausage, bacon, and cheese, and then freeze them to be reheated when you need them.

These options are not as fast as others that you can eat en route; however, if you want something more filling or a hot breakfast to kick your day off, these are easy to put together grab-and-go breakfasts for busy people or even those who just don't want the hassle of cooking something hot every morning.

Being able to fuel yourself in the morning can make all the difference in how your day goes. But getting a decent breakfast if you are pushed for time can be tricky. These options are ideal for preparing ahead of time and warming up in the morning if required. From overnight oatmeal to breakfast crunch wraps, egg muffins, and more, you can still enjoy a good, hearty meal or an easy snack for your first meal of the day if you need to get some food into your system before your day starts.