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The Best Strength-Training Exercises For Beginners

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Beginner-friendly strength training routines are the easiest way to transition to sculpt a toned body safely. You have probably heard many fitness trainers say cardio-based activities fit your personality. However, the benefits of strength exercises are too good to overlook – they range from building muscle endurance to preventing injury. Most people think about heavy lifting when it comes to strength training discussions. However, you can actually build muscles through various simple methods, including the use of your own body weight, resistance bands, and free weights. Basic strength training is vital for developing a firm muscular foundation. Therefore, beginners should prioritize these strength workouts for the best results. 

Biceps curls

Targeting the biceps is one of the easiest ways to obtain quick results and keep your strength training journey going. Biceps curls are upper exercises that work out the muscles on the front side of your upper arms. They help build the strength you need to carry heavy stuff and make your arms look great. Do biceps with dumbbells or barbells, or use a bottle of water as an alternative weight. As with other varieties of resistance exercises, form and consistency are essential for getting results.  Always remember to pull your elbows toward your sides and use your muscles’ power to lift the weight toward your shoulders. Swinging the weights is not a good idea since that amounts to using momentum instead of your muscles.


Squats are among the most practical and effective exercises to build strength in your lower body. They largely build strength in the lower body by targeting the glutes and quadriceps muscles. They also take advantage of the core to stabilize your body throughout the exercise. The good news is that you can do squats by using your body weight or dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbells, drastically increasing the resistance to build strength. Use a wall to do a wall squat, or better still, try a wall sit as an excellent modification if you have knee pain. 


Those who want to learn how to lift things without hurting their back will want to do deadlifts. Carrying heavy items can sometimes feel amazing if you manage to pull off the exercise. Deadlifts work out your hamstrings, core, and glutes. One way to reduce the risk of injuries associated with deadlifts is to ensure you are using the right form. Begin by practicing your movement without any weights, then finally introduce weights slowly to build strength. Similar to squats, deadlifts are versatile. Add weights, including dumbbells and kettlebells, to make the exercise more fun.

Glute bridges

The glutes (butt) muscles are the biggest muscle groups in your body. Therefore, ensuring they are healthy and powerful is super important to prevent injury and reduce back pain. Many people have weak and under-performing glutes because of prolonged sitting. Thankfully, you can strengthen these muscles by performing a few glute bridges to fire them up properly before undertaking other lower-body exercises. Squeeze your butt cheeks together and lift the rear end off a mat into a bridge posture. Then, release and lower your body back to the mat. Repeat the procedure while taking note of places you feel pain. You can squeeze the glutes and engage them throughout the exercise if you feel it more in your hamstrings. Doing this will improve your confidence to keep up with your workouts, knowing that you have activated your largest muscle group.


Planks are effective for the core, which is why fitness enthusiasts mostly include them in their strength training programs. The activity does not only work out the abdominal muscles but also impacts the shoulders, glutes, arms, and chest. Beginners can use planks to build a strong core and maintain a good form. Here is how to do a simple plank: Assume a pushup position, putting your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows should stay underneath your shoulders. Form a straight line from head to toe, maintain the position for like 30 seconds, and increase the timings. Professionals can do side planks or planks with leg raises to boost the effects.

Leg extension and leg curls

You can easily transition between leg curls and leg extension workouts if you use a leg extension and curl gym machine. Athletes often use this equipment to perform full reps comfortably with an adjustable seat depth and angle position. Doing leg extensions with a lever machine is pretty easy; you sit on a padded seat and lift a padded bar with your legs. This strength training exercise works out the quadriceps muscles of your thigh’s front (the rectus femoris and vastus muscles). You can strengthen your muscles effectively with a leg extension and curl machine that provides a range of motions from one seated position, so feel free to consider this.

Overhead lunge

An overhead lunge might sound a bit tough, but it greatly affects your upper and lower body, including your calves, hamstrings, and glutes. It’s a good strength training exercise for those who desire a solid lower body. Performing overhead lunges will also enhance mobility and stability. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pick a weight and raise it overhead; you could use a barbell. Hold the weight with your core and biceps closer to your ears. Breathe out, and move your leg forward, bending your knees at 90 degrees. Rather than leaning forward, lower your hips, abs, and chest upwards. Finally, inhale and bring your foot to the starting position before switching legs


These upper body exercises make use of large muscles and your body weight as resistance. You can do a simple pull-up by grasping an overhead bar and pulling yourself up the bar using your upper body’s strength. Almost any beginner can do a pull-up with an assistance machine or resistance band to lift part of their body. Consistent practice will let you build strength and make progress. The sense of accomplishment will be a massive confidence booster if you complete your reps.