Practically Perfect Meg

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Morning Meltdown 100 Phase 5 And Total Program Review

When I started the Morning Meltdown, I had so much hope. Honestly, I had high expectations for this program, and it fell short, and the last phase dragged on forever. I consistently had the same feedback for each phase. During Phase 5 I stared, putting off working out knowing I would be unhappy during the workout. I am saddened by this because I love to exercise. 

So let’s break down what I hated, most to least. If you are plus size looking for a workout to help you shred, this is not a good option. Here is why:

Where heck is the modifier?


You cannot see the modifiers until it’s too late. Please go over my reviews over the past four phases. The modifier is not visible until it is too late, and sometimes you cannot see them at all. 

There are two modifiers. One shows an exercise that is basic and not challenging. The other modifier shows moves that are easier than it should be or harder than it needs to be. Usually too hard when your aim is to stay low impact. A lot of fit people can lift weights fine, but need low impact exercises for various reasons. 

Most of the time I improvised. I consider myself advanced as I can do all the exercises. I stay low impact because I have a history of injuries to my back and hips. Many of the moves are injuries waiting to happen. If I was working with a personal trainer and they asked me to do them even with proper supervision, I would not.

I also believe there are too many fitness performers in the Morning Meltdown. The camera pans and focuses on them when the main performers should be Jericho and her modifiers. What pisses me off is the girl showing the intermediate exercises is next to Jericho throughout the program. How hard is it to show her, really? 

Dangerous Moves

One of the last ten workouts Jericho had us swinging dumbbells. Many moves are not safe, especially if you have a history of knee or back injuries. I feel I beat this to death already in other posts. One, if you are new to these moves and preform them improperly you can get hurt. Two, while effective a burpee is just an injury waiting to happen and I refuse to do them. 

Some moves you are literally jumping and flinging your legs. Jericho does not take the time to break it down and show proper technique. They aim the program at intermediate to advanced exercisers but is available on a popular on demand subscription service which means anyone has access to it if they pay, which means people desperate to fit into a swimsuit or look good for a wedding or event will try it. Even if they shouldn't and its irresponsible to not have a timeout and teach proper technique and form. Not just a quick demo. Besides, you cannot see the modifier.  What do you believe people will do? They will try the dangerous move.

Fast Transitions

It got bad. While everyone was finishing the last reps, Jericho would state what was up next and show the move. There wasn't enough time to get up. Or grab the right weights. I hit pause and rewind more than I should have. I hate wasting time, but really. Give us a few seconds, please.

Not in synch/ Coordination 

This is something I noticed much more in Phase Five. Jericho would go off on a tangent talking or would walk around during the workout. That's ok. But Jericho was no longer in synch with the class! This threw me off as I was looking to her for timing and cues. This was mostly during the strength training types of workouts with weights. 

During some Fight Club workouts, you preform a sequence of moves. These moves are choreographed and require more than a three second demonstration by Jericho. This seemed to happen a lot in Phase Five, even in strength training workouts. 

Not everyone gets it on the first try, so if you need time to learn the moves, you miss out. Literally. You are not performing the workout properly and when you catch on; they move to another move that feels like it could even confuse a rocket scientist. 

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It's one thing to put out a kickboxing video that if someone did it a few times, they would get used to the routine. This is different. You have one minute then they move on. If you cannot do the move, you're not getting the full effect of the workout period. Some moves are not seen again, and if they are, it's a week later. Hardly enough time to learn the routine. 

Not A True Total Body Workout

I am just going to say it, my butt is flabbier than it was when we started. My triceps jiggle. Considering I did LIIFT 4 before this, that is saying a lot. Some muscle groups did not get the attention they deserved. Jericho skimmed over them or over relied on exercises that work certain muscles as a secondary muscle group rather than giving them their own exercise. There was too much focus on HIT moves, shoulders, and abs. If you're looking for a good leg or booty workout, this is not it.

If you are 5-20 pounds overweight or looking to firm up, this may work well for you. However, if you already exercise and can lift moderate to heavy weights and like to do a lot of reps, this is not a hard enough workout. There, I said it. Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Fitness takes place in the gym, so to speak. If you neglect your muscle groups, you will not get the results you want. 

I am good about getting my protein in after a weight training workout. I am very conscientious about my diet, so to say I got flabby means I was not working that muscle group. So while this is a total body workout, it is one for those who do not normally workout hard and frequently.

Final Thoughts

I laid out why these workouts do not work for me personally. Besides those thoughts, the cardio workouts ruined this program for me. So did the recovery ones. I hated them. They were not fun, and they were repetitive and stale.

If you have 10-20 pounds to lose will follow this program’s diet and workout plan, help you? Yes. If you are overweight and starting out, will it help you? Yes, if you follow the modifier in the upper right corner. But it is hard to see her half the time!

Honestly, you are better off starting out with Turbo Jam which has a few modifiers, one who lost a lot of weight doing Turbo Jam. You can see them the entire time. Those workouts are much more fun. Or just try the 21 Day Fix. I hate to say this because I liked Jericho, but the workouts were too hard, easy, or boring. 

I am moving on to my Cathe Friedrich Gym Style dvds, which should kick my butt. To be truthful, I am happier lifting the old-fashioned way, and the Morning Meltdown proved that. 


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