Practically Perfect Meg

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Morning Routine: 6 Activities That Will Keep You Energized All Day Long

This is a sponsored guest post.

Many people find it difficult to start the day with enthusiasm and take a while to fully wake up. If you wake up and follow a routine that helps to energize you, you are likely to maintain your energy levels throughout the day. Drinking too much coffee can leave you jittery and anxious. There are better ways to deal with morning tiredness. Here are some activities to help you start the day the right way. 

1. Drink water

Your body is made up largely of water, so staying hydrated is very important if you want all your bodily systems to function correctly. Fatigue is a common symptom of dehydration, and you may get dehydrated overnight. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning can help start your day the right way. Add ice, cucumber or lemon if you prefer or just drink it straight up. It also gets your metabolism going because your body needs water for digestive processes to run properly.     

Sometimes you need more hydration than usual, and IV therapy can help. For attending an event or festival, for example, you may need more fluids than usual to maintain your stamina. Drip Hydration, Drip IV Therapy and Your CPR MD offer mobile therapy wherever you are and even offer group IV treatments for you and your friends. After attending Coachella, IV therapy may be what you need to hydrate your body. 


2. Do stretching exercises


When you’ve been lying in bed for hours, you need to stretch out your limbs. By stretching, you stimulate blood circulation and warm up your muscles. When you reactivate your muscles after a night’s sleep, it releases hormones that give you energy. 


You can relieve any stress built up in your neck or back during the night by stretching. Stand tall in a full body stretch and reach your arms up to the ceiling. Do some head and shoulder rolls. When you roll your shoulders backward, try to draw your shoulder blades together. When you roll them forward, try to stretch them apart. Performing some simple Yoga poses is a good way to start the day. 


3. Eat a healthy breakfast


Eating a healthy breakfast is important if you want to have energy for the day ahead. You are more likely to reach your daily nutrient requirements if you eat breakfast. You can also avoid fluctuating blood sugar levels if you eat fruit, grains, and lean protein in the morning. When your blood sugar levels are stable, you have more of a mental edge and you can focus better. 


Eating a healthy breakfast also revs up your metabolism, so you will burn more calories throughout the day. Skipping breakfast tells your body it must conserve calories, which can make you gain weight rather than lose it. Your body needs fuel if you want to feel energetic, and a healthy breakfast gives it the fuel it needs.   


4. Get some fresh air and sunlight


Exposure to some fresh air and sunlight can quickly wake you up and make you more ready to face the day. When you’re out in the sunlight, the short wavelength blue light helps to stimulate your brain and tells your body clock it’s time to wake up. It suppresses melatonin, which is the hormone that makes you sleepy. It also pushes up your serotonin levels when you’re outside, so you feel more invigorated. 


5. Do breathing exercises


While outside in the fresh air, it’s worth doing some deep breathing exercises. Take in a deep breath, fully expand your stomach, hold it in for 5 seconds and then slowly breathe out for 10 seconds. Repeat this ten times and make sure your stomach is rising instead of your chest. If your chest is rising, you are still breathing shallowly. You need to breathe through your stomach for breathing exercises to have the right effect on you. 


6. Avoid sugar at breakfast


Some breakfasts are not as good as others. Sugary items like sweet breakfast cereals or pastries can give you instant energy, but they will also lead to a drop in blood sugar that leaves you feeling worse than you did before. Try to pay attention to labels on breakfast foods to see how much sugar they contain. Stay away from processed foods that often contain sugar and stick to whole grain and minimally processed foods. Trying to reduce the amount of coffee you consume in the morning can also help you to feel less tired because you often experience a caffeine slump when it wears off.