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The Battle For Better Sleep: 10 Tips To Help You Win

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Any parent knows that one of the biggest challenges of raising your family is sleep. We all want more of it, and we all want our kids to get more of it. But for many people, a lack of sleep is an everyday reality that can be hard to shake.

But surely there has to be a solution? While there isn’t a simple and quick answer to your sleep problem, there are different things you can try that together, could help you get the rest you need. From freeing up your time in the evenings to helping your little ones switch off at night, there are different things you can do to win the battle for better sleep

Here are 10 useful tips to help your family enjoy better sleep.

1. Create a bedtime routine

Creating a bedtime routine is one of the simplest ways to help the whole family sleep better. A bedtime routine isn’t just for kids, adults can benefit from one too. Your bedtime routine should last about an hour and should be a calming way to wind down at the end of the day. 

Start by setting your ideal time to be in bed and work backwards from there. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your bodies adapt to your new routine and will naturally start preparing themselves for sleep.

Here’s some great advice for setting a bedtime routine: 

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2. Allow time for a bedtime routine

If you’ve read the first tip and thought, “I don’t have time for that,” then maybe you need to make some time. Sleep is very important for your health, and without it, you risk a lot more than simply feeling tired the next day. It’s all about using your time more productively, so you can give yourself the time to relax before bed. Some things you could do to save time include:

Prep your food 

Meal prep is a great way to avoid spending hours each night cooking in the kitchen. There are a lot of meal prep ideas you can try that will taste delicious, but save you time each night. Even if you just have a couple of meals prepped each week, that’s still time you get back to yourself later on.

Take a different approach to cleaning

If you feel like you spend hours every day cleaning your home, you’re not alone. Keeping on top of your home can feel like an endless job, but there are some strategies you can try to help you feel more in control. Start with this genius trick to keeping your house clean and take it from there. Little hacks can make a big difference, and mean you won’t be spending all of your free time cleaning - giving you more time for sleep!

A clean home can also help you feel more at ease, giving you a better sleep environment than a chaotic, messy home.

Start the day earlier to tackle your chores

The aim of going to bed at a set time means you can also wake up at a set time and hopefully start your day a little earlier, feeling well-rested. A lot of people think that they’re not morning people, but once you start getting used to being up earlier, you realize just how much you can get done.

Use this time to exercise, walk the dog, and do some household chores - the things you would usually do in the evening that take up a lot more of your time because you’re already tired after a day at work. 

3. Make sure everyone has a comfortable bed

The right bed can make all the difference to your sleep success. If your mattress has seen better days, consider upgrading to something new that is better suited to your body and sleeping patterns.

You should also ensure that the kids have the right bed type for what they need. Once it’s time to ditch the crib, you may want to explore floor bed for toddlers that are designed to make it easier for your child to get in and out, giving them a little more independence. They’re also ideal for parents if you ever need to sleep next to your child if they’re sick or are having problems.

4. Get rid of your bad sleeping habits

Do you currently have some bad sleeping habits? Maybe you’re on your phone for too long before bed, or maybe you drink caffeine too late in the day. Think about the different habits that might be impacting your sleep and see if you can get rid of them. Making some simple changes could have a big impact on how well you sleep at night.

5. Consider using a white noise machine to help you all sleep better

White noise machines are great for helping you sleep at night and can be beneficial for both children and parents. If you have smart speakers around your home, you may not even need a dedicated white noise machine - play this white noise playlist on your speakers and experience the benefits of white noise. 

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6. Eat a better diet

The food you eat can have a huge impact on your sleep. There are foods that can help you enjoy a better night’s sleep, and there are foods that can make it worse - particularly salty and acidic foods. There are many other health benefits that come with eating a better diet, and a good night’s sleep could be the cherry on top!

7. Be more open as a family

Sometimes, difficulty sleeping is caused by stress and anxiety, especially in children. Talking as a family can help ease concerns that would otherwise keep you up at night, while ensuring you understand what’s going on in each other’s lives. Encourage open and honest conversations each day so that nobody has to be kept up worrying at night.

8. Spend more time outdoors

Want to regulate your sleep pattern? Get outdoors! Spending more time outdoors can be a great way of helping your body feel more tired at night, helping you enjoy better sleep. Even being outside for as little as 17 minutes can be beneficial, helping to raise the melatonin levels that can help you get to sleep earlier at night.

9. Consider seeing a doctor for severe sleep issues

If you’re struggling with severe sleep issues, perhaps it’s time to see a doctor. They can help rule out any health conditions affecting your sleep, and may have some useful advice to help you get the rest you need.

10. Track your sleep

If you want to find ways to improve your sleep, why not track it? Your smartwatch or phone can do this for you, helping to track the amount of sleep you get, as well as assess its quality. Having a clearer picture of how you and your family sleep at night can help you see the changes that need to be made so you can all make improvements and finally get some good rest.

Getting a good night’s sleep at night shouldn’t have to be a battle. Taking steps to improve your sleep pattern can help everyone in the family get better quality rest, improving everyone’s overall health and focus. Use the tips above to help you improve the way you sleep at night and see the difference it can make to you all.