Practically Perfect Meg

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5 Tell-Tales Signs That It's Time to Get Your Hair Done

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If you think about it, your hair is an extension of who you are. It reflects your style (sometimes more than what clothing can do); it’s a way to showcase your personality, how you’re doing in life, your health, and even your mood!  Just as your skin easily reflects how you are doing (physical and mental health-wise), the same can actually be said for your hair, too. While we often form strong attachments to our hairstyles, change can be refreshing and transformative. 

Just think about a new outfit, for example; you feel this accomplished feeling often when getting new clothes, right? Especially if it’s a new outfit head to toe? While shopping is a nice way to indulge in self-care, there’s the aspect of sustainability. Financial sustainability, but of course, thinking about the environment too. So, changing up your hair doesn’t need to be wasteful; in fact, it can actually be free. So, here are some signs that it’s time for a change in your hair! 


So, the first thing to note is that you don’t always have to visit your local hairdresser to change up your hair. You can even do some simple half up half down hairstyles if you want to, maybe some heatless curls, or even add some mouse for volume. But in general, do you catch yourself just feeling bored? If you’re feeling bored with your hair, just first try out some different styles of your hair with the hair length and cut you already have. 

Maybe some new updos or even just simply changing the part of your hair could help fight the boredom. But even if you’re making these changes and it just doesn’t seem to matter in the slightest, then it just might be time to try out something else, like a new haircut, a new style, extensions, or even dying your hair. 

Maybe Your Current Style No Longer Aligns with You

As fashion trends evolve, so do hairstyles. The 1990s were all about perms, just as the late 2010s were all about the sleek straight hair. It’s totally natural to want to have your hair “keep up with the times”; it’s something that’s totally normal to do too! If your current hairstyle feels outdated or disconnected from your personal style, it might be time to explore more contemporary options. In general, it’s going to be super important to just embrace a hairstyle that aligns with your current aesthetic and can instantly revitalize your overall look.

Damage and Split Ends

Alright, so this one is a pretty major indicator, and it’s probably seen as one of the most obvious, too. So, this one isn’t so much about fighting off boredom or shaking things up with your looks. This is more about the aesthetics of your hair but also about making sure that your hair totally stays healthy. 

So, with that said, excessive damage, split ends, and overall hair health are crucial factors to consider. If your hair is showing signs of distress, such as dryness, breakage, or a lackluster appearance, a new hairstyle can help remove damaged ends and promote healthier growth.

Your Life is Changing

The hairstyle you had in your college days might not be the same hairstyle you’re going to want to have if you’re a new mom of an infant. The hairstyle you had in middle school isn’t going to be the same hairstyle you’re going to want to have as a career woman. But generally speaking, major life changes often call for a symbolic transformation, and a new hairstyle can be just that. 

Whether you've landed a new job, experienced a significant life event, or simply feel the need for a fresh start, changing your hairstyle can be a positive and empowering step forward. In general, your hair should change, just as you’re changing, and how your life is changing too. 

Changes within Your Lifestyle

A shift in your lifestyle, such as embracing a new fitness routine or adjusting to a different daily schedule, might require a hairstyle that aligns with your current needs. For example, if you’re a personal trainer or someone who has a job where their hair needs to be up at all times, then having short layers isn’t going to be something that’s going to work well for you. 

If your hair is currently getting in the way of your lifestyle (like layers or hair that’s too long), then you might want to consider hairstyles that are practical and complement your lifestyle, making your daily routine more manageable.