5 Self Care Must Haves For Moms

Self-care is popular right now. Most people do not understand self care. Self-care is something you do to take care of yourself. Self-care encompasses actions beyond the basic ones we need to meet for survival. Self-care can help us stay healthy and sane.

Moms with younger kids sometimes can go a day or two without having a real shower. Who has the time? 

After I gave birth to my youngest, my face aged so much in the first year. It took two years of daily skin care to get rid of some wrinkles I got. I bathed and did nothing else for myself for over a year. I had no help the first year, and that year was hard.

Here is an essential list of some self-care items we can use without taking time away from something else. As the queen of multitasking I love any product helps me get more done. I have little time for myself. So anything that helps me take care of myself without having to give up sleep is a winner.

Here are the five self care products I cannot live without.

1. In shower moisturizer is something you use at the end of your shower. Some you rinse off and some you don’t. The in shower moisturizer is working for me and helping with my eczema. I prefer the Curel in shower lotion. Jergens has a good one too.

Five Self Care must haves for moms. #selfcare #momlife #motherhood #skincare #haircare #beauty

2. Because I’m a busy mom and take quick showers, I try to take one or two longer showers during the week. I use conditioning hair mask and leave the mask on for 3 to 5 minutes. I never condition my hair if you are anything like me this helps give your hair some TLC it didn’t get during the week. I like the new Garnier one minute Masks and I love the Aussie Three Minute Miracle.

3. Try an in shower facial mask to boost moisture. The Aveeno Positively Radiant 60 second in shower facial is great. I apply my face mask and my conditioner at the same time. Then I shave my legs. This is a great way to multi-mask. 

4. You need a good comprehensive skin care product. Find a serum or moisturizer that refines pores, fine lines, or whatever your skin needs. You don’t have to put five or six different skin creams on at night just get one that meets all your needs.

Five Self Care must haves for moms. #selfcare #momlife #motherhood #skincare #haircare #beauty
Five Self Care must haves for moms. #selfcare #momlife #motherhood #skincare #haircare #beauty

5. The last item is a sleeping mask. I purchased one that exfoliates, helps clear up my skin, and moisturizers. A sleeping mask could be a literal lifesaver if you don’t exfoliate and moisturize. So far I like this Pumpkin Enzyme mask by Too Cool For School and Sephora's Rose sleeping mask. 

Since self-care means to care for yourself and do things to help revitalize yourself. If you’re busy and cannot take the time to take care of your skin and hair, it will catch up with you. Dry skin is not comfortable on your face or your legs, during winter. Many multi-tasking items you can use exist. Ulta or Wal-Mart have affordable products that will help your skin and hair stay healthy. 

I think people forget how wonderful a shower is when you are a busy parent. The most significant part of my self-care routine is bathing and exercise. To do these daily, I neglect other things and sometimes that makes my life harder because I fall behind. However, I cannot take care of everyone else if I am not taking care of myself. 

Keeping my home clean and organized is also part of my self-care routine. I need a clean and organized space to function. But I also need to take care of my body, so some days cleaning wins over a workout at the gym. Do what you need to be happy. If taking a bath or reading a book makes you happy go for it.

How do you practice self care?

Five Self Care must haves for moms. #selfcare #momlife #motherhood #skincare #haircare #beauty