Stress-Free Ways to Keep Your Home Clean

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It can be a bit tricky to keep your home clean, especially if you get stressed easily or have no energy. However, there are many benefits of a clean home, and poor conditions can impact your health. So, from making a routine to getting some help, here are some handy suggestions. 

Active Pest Prevention

Pests can create a lot of problems in homes. From ants to rats, there are many ways in which pests impact the house and create problems for you. Their dropping and sheddings are toxic, and they contribute to dust. These can cause breathing issues, and they can also bite. An exterminator can help when it gets out of control. But you can keep most away with active pest prevention such as clearing cobwebs, decluttering, dusting, and vacuuming regularly.

Come Up with a Routine

A routine can help almost anything in your life, and the home is no different. A routine for cleaning keeps you on top of things and ensures your home is kept as clean as necessary. A good rule is to dust and vacuum on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can then clean the bathroom and kitchen on Saturday morning. This is harder if you leave it. But it becomes much easier if you keep up with the routine as there is much less to clean. Then Sunday is yours!

Keep Your Home Clean Organically

Cleaning the house can be fun. But some of the chemicals found in common cleaning products are harmful. One study found that of 30 common products tested, only one did not release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). These are harmful chemicals found in solvents such as paint. Fortunately, you can switch to non-VOC organic and natural products. These are much less harmful when used or breathed in but do the same job or better when cleaning.

Get Others to Chip In

Stress comes from all sides of us these days, and just having to do the housework is another added stressor. You can also make things worse when you try to do everything yourself. If you live in a home with others, then enlist some help when you find it too much. Your flatmates, partner, and even the kids are a great help in getting things done. It also helps to teach the kids to clean up after themselves, such as bathroom hygiene and picking up their clothes.

Take Pride in Where You Live

Okay, so you may not live in a mansion. But your home is your home, and not being proud of it can have a massive negative impact. Maybe you live in an apartment building that’s a little run down, and people don’t care. But thinking this way about your one apartment only adds to the stress. Keeping your home clean is beneficial to your mental health. Outside is outside. It’s the condition inside that matters, and you can always make the most of any home you live in.


Actively keeping on top of pest control can help keep your home clean, tidy, and safe. Using organic cleaning products is less harmful, and it always helps to take pride in where you live.