Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World

When I went to Disney World this past summer, I thought I came prepared. We had watched countless hours of videos, read blog posts, and I even made my daughter and I break in our sandals and shorts for the trip. I had packed anything and everything you could think someone should bring with them in a humid environment. 

Two days into the trip, I realized I was ill prepared, and I ended up paying for not packing these five things. I had not seen them suggested in any vlog or blog I had read. Anything that could go wrong did. It was like we were in a National Lampoon movie and I had things happen to me I never even thought could. 

So here I am, trying to spare you the same trouble. I learned these items are crucial to bring with me when I travel to Disney. So when I return to Disney World again, I will bring these five things. Who would guess that I would even need them? 

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld

White Noise Machine

I was told to not bother packing it and to use a white noise app. Bad idea. Terrible idea. I regret this the most. You really need to sleep. 

One, many of the free apps did not make a noise we liked. We all have preferences so if you already use a white noise machine just bring it. The app sounded nothing like the one I had at home. 

Using an app also required me to use my phone all night. When we were at Wildness Lodge, that was fine; there was an USB plug on the nightstand. At Port Orleans Riverside, there was not one. I had to leave it running with a Fuel Rod all night. The Fuel Rod was always dead by morning. 

You may not need a white noise machine depending on your hotel. At Wilderness Lodge, we were ok. At Port Orleans Riverside, it was a necessity to cover up the noise. The app just didn't cut it. Several times a night, noises roused us from our sleep like noisy neighbors or a flushing toilet. 

The walls are thinner at Moderate and Value hotels and you will need a white noise machine. I have one that takes batteries and when I stay at All Star Movies later in the year, it is coming with me. Because I am such a light sleeper and know it will be noisy, a white noise machine will make it easier to sleep. 

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld

Quality Sheet Masks

Let me explain why. The cheaper ones contain alcohol which can dry out your skin. Sheet masks are a must on vacation for several reasons. First wearing makeup in the Florida heat is hard. You will probably sweat it off. A good sheet mask can make a huge difference and boost confidence to go out sans makeup.

Two if you are not used to humidity it can wreak havoc on your skin. Three days in my skin was so red and irritated. I tried for days to wear makeup too. I had the good stuff ladies, and it melted off. Even All Nighter by Urban Decay didn't work. Everything was waterproof and sweat proof. 

Sheet masks contain highly concentrated serums. They also allow you to target a specific concern. If the sweating is clogging your pores, you can try a charcoal or pore mask. If you have dry skin, a sheet mask will help. A lot. Brightening masks will make your skin glow.

If you have combination skin or just do not know how your skin will react to the humidity, pack some sheet masks. Bring a variety. Patchology and Sephora have a cleansing mud mask sheet mask I recommend. I would pack a moisturizing mask, one for brightening (it will give you glowy skin), a post sun mask, and any other one you need for a specific concern.

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld

I had patches of skin that were so raw and irritated they bled. They also hurt all day and when I started sweating it burned. If I brought a few sheet masks, I think the outcome would not have been so bad. Let me say this though ladies I packed quality skincare items. I was using Tatcha and Drunk Elephant and this still happened. 

Sheet Masks are powerful and can make a huge difference. So pack one for each day. Trust me, your skin will appreciate the TLC.

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld

A Cooling Eye Mask

Pack it and then pop it in the mini fridge ASAP. I could not pose for pics because by day two I had Periorbital edema basically my eyes were swollen. My eyelids were swollen too. It was misery. The causes were lack of sleep, salty Disney foods, and allergies. I looked like something from a horror movie. I had to wear sunglasses between this and the red bleeding skin I did not want to take pictures. 

To reassure you, these things may not happen to you. But I want you to know what happened to me. I feel if I had a few extras beauty tools in my suitcase like sheet masks and a cooling eye mask perhaps it could have saved me a lot of suffering. These two things combined were unbearable and made enjoying our trip harder. 

Thankfully, the Periorbital edema cleared up after a few days. It was hard to treat with a cool washcloth but it will do in a pinch. The mask however works so much better you can strap it on and get the kids ready to go. Rather than lying down with a cloth on your face. 

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld

Extra Clothing

Most moms pack extra clothing for the kiddos, but not ourselves. I walked miles in everything I packed before we left to be sure it was comfy and there would be no chafing, but I live in California where it is usually hot and dry. Florida is hot and wet. So many of the items I thought were ok to wear ended up chafing me after a few hours in the humidity or after it rained. If we went on a water ride I was done for.  I was wearing anti chaffing cream too. 

Even if you do not chafe, you may get wet. Or kid may get sick on you or spill a drink on you. So pack extra clothing in your park bag. Some moisture wicking capris and a tank top rolled up will not take up much room in your park bag.

When we went to the magic Kingdom, we were there from rope drop and had MNSSHP tickets. I was wearing a tennis skirt with shorts built in because I thought that would be ok. By the time the party started my entire body was chafing. Even my sport socks were causing problems. 

I had to change my clothes and since I did not have any I learned a very hard lesson that cost me $100. I had to buy leggings, a shirt, and flip-flops. At that point changing didn't help. If I had prepared and packed a change, it would have been easier and cheaper. 

Just bring extra clothing and make sure it is quality moisture wicking clothing if possible. This will save you money if you have to change. I think my leggings cost about $50. The prices for clothing are crazy. Even if you could go to the hotel and change bring extra clothes. Sometimes Disney transportation can take forever so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld

A Just In Case Bag

You can use a ziplock bag for this because it makes getting through security easier. Pack a bag with some random items you will probably need at some point. The items should be things you will use up or have a tendency to misplace. 

Big bandages for heels if someone gets a blister. Bobby pins, a comb, and some hair ties. Chapstick, hand lotion, and tissues. Whatever you put the bag make sure it’s something you cannot make it though the day without. 

For me it is extra sunglasses and hair ties. I already had these items in my park bag. But I ended up losing most of them after a few days. I ended up having to buy more. And Disney hair ties are not always the kind you prefer. So it’s best to have extra. Even if you put a few scrunchies in your park bag, the odds are by day 4-5 you cannot find them. 

My just in case bag always saves me a lot of money but only when I bring it. I did not think it was worth precious park bag space. I was wrong.

Final Thoughts

So these are the five things I think every lady should pack in her suitcase when leaving for Disney. I hope this list helps you. What things do you pack for Disney that are not on most Disney Packing Checklists? Comment below I would love to hear what they are.

Five Things I Never Thought I Would Need At Disney World. #WDW #DisneyWorld #Disney #Travel #PackingForDisneyWorld