6 Ways For Moms To Get More Done Without Losing Sleep

I am a mother of three and some days I barely have time to vacuum, let alone practice self care. Despite being a master at multi-tasking I cannot get everything done without making sacrifices. Usually those sacrifices mean I don’t have time to read or get all of my work done. Now that most of us are self isolating, that means everyone is home all the time. Which usually means more work for mom.

However, there are some smart and perhaps even sneaky ways as a mom you can get stuff done. Even gain time to yourself without losing sleep. Want to know how? Keep reading.

6 ways to get more done without losing sleep. #parentingtips #peacefulmom #gentleparenting #raisingkids #momlife #parentingadvice

Let The Kids Sleep In

I let my kids sleep in so I can get in a quick workout. Sometimes I even have the time to do a quick facial afterwards. Many kids are on schedule. If yours are ask yourself is a schedule working out for you? Schedules can be great, but putting kids on one sometimes means mom has little time to herself. If letting your kids sleep in for an extra 15-60 minutes means you can take care of yourself, then do it. Besides that, your kids may need more sleep than you think.

Letting your kids sleep in is not bad. You do not have to throw your schedule out the window either. If once or twice a week you let them sleep in it will be ok.

You know what they say about oxygen masks, right? You need to put yours on first. If you do not take care of yourself and meet your basic needs, you cannot take care of everyone else. Basic needs are not negotiable.

Many mothers wake up at least an hour before their kids to get stuff done. While that is smart I feel like many moms are cheating themselves. We are usually the last to fall asleep and the first person to wake up. So try letting the kids sleep in rather than letting yourself loose precious sleep. To be honest, I let my youngest wake up on her own. Her moods are better this way. If she needs extra sleep, I let her have it. She’s a growing kid, and I can use that time to fold laundry or exercise in peace.


Buy a special toy the kids can only play with when you need to get stuff done. One that encourages them to play independently and you will not need to help them use. Like bristle blocks, Picasso tiles, plus blocks, puzzles, or even finger paints for older kids.

If you have the proper setup, older kids can paint for a long time. A dollar store vinyl tablecloth makes a great mat for them to paint on. You could also teach them how to make a collage and start cutting pictures out of magazines and saving them up. Collage making was my youngest child’s jam. If the collage kit came out of the craft closet, my daughter could work on collages all day if I let her.

Whatever toy or activity you choose, make sure it is special and that the kids know they can only play with it if they behave. This way they learn to entertain themselves and feel like they are being rewarded. It’s sneaky, but it works.

Snack Time

Snack time is a brilliant way to get stuff done. If you need to clean the kitchen make them a snack and you can monitor them while they eat. If you need to exercise, grab some snacks and the stroller and go for a run or walk in peace. I trained for many half marathons this way!

Snack time may not give you an hour to get stuff done, it will give you a little time. As a mom, I find it is better for me to tackle things on a timed basis. Which means I love speed cleaning, which I have a post on. I use the time my kids are having a snack or doing an activity to get things done fast. I like to set a timer and tidy the living area while they eat their snack.

Basically, I use snack time to get all the things done that can be done fast. I save the other methods for tasks that need more time and less interruption.


I know some of you will not like this suggestion, but let your kids watch television so you can get stuff done. I am not saying plop them in front of the TV and put on Breaking Bad and walk away. There are many wonderful educational shows for children like Sesame Street, Mr Rodgers, Odd Squad, Blues Clues, and the list goes on.

I am the mother of three children with 23+ years of parenting experience. You learn a lot over that period of time. There was a local pediatrician, I wanted my kids to see. This doctor was beloved I thought she would be the perfect pediatrician for our family. I should also point out at the time I was super crunchy.

We finally had our first appointment, and she goes off on a tangent about how she always tells her patients she thinks TV is terrible. My husband and I looked at each other knowingly. We grew up in the 1980s and 1990s.

I was a latchkey kid if it wasn’t for TV, who knows. My mom left me home alone and in charge of two kids for hours on end. TV helped me get homework done while my siblings watched it. TV kept me inside where I was safe. The point is, generations of kids watched TV and they were fine. Letting your kids watch a little TV where you have total control over what they watch is ok.

Netflix also allows you to create a kids profile. Best thing ever. I can cook dinner or scrub the toilets and you know what as a mom you have to use whatever resources you have. I let my older kids watch TV so I could cook and clean, and I assure you they both turned out ok.

6 ways to get more done without losing sleep. #parentingtips #peacefulmom #gentleparenting #raisingkids #momlife #parentingadvice


Chores can be a lifesaver. As long as they are age appropriate and the kids actually do them kids can be a genuine help around the house. Here is the best part most kids want to help. Usually around age 3-4 tiny kids want to help, so let them. Teach them how to use a duster and to put their toys away. With older kids use an incentive to do extra chores. When one of my kids was a teenager, they got a bonus if they mopped for me.

Every bit of help adds up. Even if it’s a little dusting, a few beds made, and some folded towels. It also helps your kids stay motivated to keep things clean.

Ask Your Spouse For Help

Talk to your spouse or partner if you have one. One thing that bugs me as a stay at home/work at home mom is the belief that many hold if the mother does not work outside the home, she should do everything. It’s just not realistic. Especially if you have small children.

When you live in a home, you contribute to the workload to maintain it. Someone washes your dishes, cleans the bathtub you bathe in, cleans the kitchen, dusts, vacuums, and so on. I have explained to my husband some chores that take me 5-10 minutes he can do in 1-2 minutes.

For example, if I were to take out the garbage, I have to get my daughter dressed. Then walk downstairs to the dumpster. It takes literally 2 minutes, but with a seven-year-old I have to tell her what we are doing. Find her shoes, etc. When she was a baby, it was impossible to get the dumpster lid open while holding her. So I to wrangle the stroller while carrying garbage. My husband can take out the garbage when he leaves for work. When he does not I have to! Taking out the garbage takes away time from something else. I fall behind easily, so by even taking out the trash he is helping me a lot.

There are many minor tasks that take a few minutes, but for moms with small children it’s not that simple. The kids may ask you to stop and help them. The phone may ring. The gist is if your spouse takes a few of the chores that are easy but you keep getting interrupted or they are harder to do with kids in tow, it can save you a lot of time.

Ask your spouse or partner to pitch in a little it should be no big deal. They live with you and it’s part of being a responsible adult and supportive partner. Pitching in shouldn't be an enormous deal, even if they work.

Years ago I was the breadwinner and my husband stayed at home with the kids I never once complained. I would get home at midnight knowing I had to be up at 4:30 am and do laundry, clean up the kitchen though they never saved food for me, then I would clean the tub.

I got it. He did the best he could and what he could not finish was an imposition for me to do, but for him it was a task he could not do without my help. I lived there too, and contributed to the household tasks, so I did it without being asked or complaint. Either way you deserve a little me time and help with no conditions or guilt.

So have you been struggling with finishing your daily to do list? What have you tried? I love hearing new ways to get stuff done without losing sleep. If you have a tip leave one in the comment box below.

6 ways to get more done without losing sleep. #parentingtips #peacefulmom #gentleparenting #raisingkids #momlife #parentingadvice